Monday, November 19, 2007

The Truth About Tuck Wai

Today,the ministry interviewed Wong Tuck Wai of email ,social security number N-006 .It was just a casual interview of course,some simple questions on his plans of choice for his future institute of higher education and enlightenment.However,he unintentionally revealed to us his true identity.

pay special attention to the last line

damn, that certainly explains a lot doesn't it?but still we remained skeptical,as tuck wai has proved capable of making interesting light hearted conversation and everyone knows potatoes can t talk,let alone participate in a conversation using msn.

so to further convince us ,tuck wai sent us a self portrait of himself.


but still ,we refused to believe he was a potato,what finally convinced us was a photo of his "ehmm," third root.


neat eh?even has its own beard

*note:no tuck wais were harmed in the production of this post,post was composed with the permission of the potatoes*woops* i meant parties involved.
and no,tuck wai is not a potato,he s human ,like you and me ,in fact he doesnt even look like a potato,he looks like this

haha tuck wai



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