Saturday, July 18, 2009

Douchebag Post

okay okay.
douchebag post alert, douchebag post alert.

i woke up a bit too early today i guess.

yea im trying to think of something intelligent-sounding to say here.
okay, i think its cool how so many people have sides to them which we never see, only through (eek!) spying on them by accidentally chancing upon their blogs do we see different sides to these people. i think, this never ceases to amazes me. it also occurred to me that nowadays, everyone's lives seem to suck more than usual. that sucks too.

and common tests just ended by the way, it was alright and i guess i studied fairly hard.i think its not fair and that everyone snapped back into their studying zones so quickly already and as much as id like to deny it there's like pressure descending in the form of that research paper that you used to be so enthu about but now is a forsaken essay buried somewhere deeep at the back of your mind.

i just wanna play lots of soccer and floorball, hockey if my wrist allows for it.more soccer though.

i caught up with Jing Cheng recently, who is leaving for austrialia soon to further his army career as a pilot. kudos to him and all the best to you man! it felt really realy good. really good to catch up and even better to let it all out. it also gave me a reality check about the things in life that actually matter and i realised id been straying for too long, almost as if impossible to go back. i think i have neglected the friends that truly matter, and marginalized some in the name of worldly/superficial advancement. i really regret not having gone back enough for scouts, i mean, theres really no place i belong more.

i know its these walls that i built to protect myself that ultimately only end up isolating myself but, i just cant help it, i dont like it either, im disgusted by it in fact.

what a whole load of thought for a saturday morning when the plan was to sleeep in all the way. haha

yeah, so this whole thing is a douchebag post for you.
i guess what i mean by the above line is that, i seldom blog about my life, in the past, i could talk about everything but that, but these days, its all i wanna talk about. its no use denying this anymore as i have been for really quite some time now.

so yeah, i guess personal stuff like all this should really belong to a journal so here we go:

i ve moved on to :

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

He gives and...

...He takes and He takes and takes and takes and takes...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

all in all


You know, there are friends that you truly love and trust and
you want to keep for life.

[insert photo here]

time well spent!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

anything but studying

i ve got books on my bed
and thoughts in my head

everything but history.
anything but studying

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Take Only What You Need From It

i haven't shared music/videos in a long time. here is a really catchy kickass song. It wont take more than five minutes.

its normal to find the video weird, its okay by me if you ignore it too.
but the song!

oh the song. its kick

this song actually sorta saved my life.literally!
along with these others.

Im glad i remembered my username and password. I'm inspired to keep this going!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Point of Information

In view of recent sub-standard posts and unnecessary rants, the old gaurd of the ministry has rallied the support of the conservative factions and the old timers to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to take action against the new stream of angst and personal viewpoints that have tarnished The Ministry Of Enlglightenemts reputation as a web page of blogging excellence.

The summary of the resolutions decided upon at the EOGM are as follows:

1)Decisive Actions Aginst Angst
1.1) Forceful Eviction of Angst and Rants
The overwhelming priority of the EOGM was to protest against the sudden influx of emotional posts, rants and personal dabblings. Also, the loss of quality and style which now differs greatly from the orignial days has been a huge cause of concern for the conservatives. An agreement was eventually reached to have the past few days posts of highly controversial, sappy and angsty content purged and exiled to an undisclosed location. This location has been kept undisclosed to protect the sanity of readers who have face an oversaturated market of emo blogs out there and could really not use another. This address however, maybe be released in the future if the Great Leader should feel the need to do so.

1.1)Disregard for The Ministry
Allegations have been made against the Great Leader for allowing the continual manifestation and expansion of rants and angst which have tainted the original intentions of the establishement of the Ministry. This can be traced back to Thursday March 20, 2008 where the first symptons of mainstream ranting were evident. The Great Leader himself may be tried in court for such acts of treasony and failure to put an end to these personal posts from the start, thus allowing for the accumulation of angst which leads to the present problem.

2)The Future of The Ministry
2.1)Resolution for future discussion
The future of the ministry is currently pending, as to whether or not, the site will be shut down or continue to operate and produce posts.(switch to newscaster mood here) Many however doubt that the Ministry will return to its old days of good humour and ease as many speculate that the ministry has lost its relevance to daily happenings of the lives of the great leader whose interest in blogging has waned since late 2008.
2.2)Preservation ofthe Ministry
Despite the current bleak outlook and the already destroyed image of the Ministry, the conservatives have pushed to preserve the original intention of the Ministry and its humble begininngs. As such, citizens are politely requested to be inclined to remember the Ministry for its positive works and good intentions before October of 2008. The pre-Oct 2008 Era has also been oficially termed the Good Old Days in the history of the Ministry and more importantly, should be rememembered as the Pre-Angst Period of Prosperity and Peace.

Your faithfully
Once Dear,Great and Feverently Socialist (But Not So Much Anymore) Leader

somewhere along the way, he lost the plot

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sugar Sugar

Here's a good watch,
inspired by the music on fauzan's blog...(go bug him for the url!)