Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Syllabus

Mmmm,the MOE did some research recently,and realised that kids nowadays don t even know their basic stuffs,as such,a new syllabus revamp is going about.

Of course the MOE in this case is the Ministry of Enlightenment,and the new syllabus we re talking about is Pronunciation!

Lets start with some basic words,like

you stick your tongue outwards in between your teeth at the 'th' and then pronounce the 'is'.

very good!lets move on to more important stuff shall we,to BIGGER,more important words such as your party leader's name.

lets try to pronounce

think its easy?well its not,so many people have been getting it wrong,instead of purging you however,the great leader has decided to give everyone a chance and teach them the correct way to pronounce this relatively easy (but nonetheless important) word.

aloy-say "a" , "a" as in a house.and then "loy"
simple enuff huh?go a-loy.now you try....


remember though,its never

alloy- dont ever add the extra l,cos the next thing before you know it,you ll be calling me a mixture of metals,and everyone will be forced to laugh at your sharp observation


and most importantly,its never never never never ever

why?because aloha sounds something like this...(click to hear)


then again,anything is fine
,my friends call me aloy,but you,you can call me tonight!hahahahahaha,LAME!
seriously,anything is fine,aloe-bits,aloha,alloy,aloy,loy loy,loykee....

bring on the humiliation!


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