Saturday, February 28, 2009

if you hurt him, does he not bleed







i am now treading down a path i swore never too when i started this blog.yet at times like these i find it impossible not to do so.

theres this thing about the international economy, it has a cyclical nature.a boom follows a slump follows another boom and eventual slump boom slump boom slump boom.
so i guess right now the world is going into a economic slump.
im not really thinking about hey was there really a boom before this?but rather.
life in itself is a cyclical nature.

it goes up and down and up and down.
and you love the ups but not the downs.
and everytime im in an up i m afraid of the eventual down that i know will come.i dread it and hate it but try to cherish the up when it ups.

but this down.
its like.
the entire crisis decades encapsulated into one weekend.
okay no no. not really.(because before it it would have been the Golden Age of something, which actually was, but it was more like a Golden Day of A Birthday.)

somehow writing this down here helps.(i think i understand why people rant on their blogs.)it is the knowing that i have created a possibility(HOPE) where the persons(s) that matters will read this.
now the next step lies in deciding wether or not to post this or save it as a draft like many others.

the weird thing.i have been here before.and i remember telling myself.don't don't don't and remember don't/
but i always get suckered into it all over again.


there seems to be no up from here.

right now, sleeping is the best thing to do.other than football of course.
and hockey!dont forget hockey!

letting it all out here really did help.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Orintation Sensation

suck suck suck it up. 02's gonna suck it up.

How long has it been, since my last post? it is hard to say, for a long time, i really ran out of things to talk about.

until the past week that is.

about a year ago, i talked about how fun vj was when i entered as a freshman,
and today, i must say, it is really really satisfying and awesome to have had such a fulfilling and meaningful time
serving as an Ogl during freshman orientation.

i cannot believe its over so soon.
i will miss all you people at 02 ,
really really.
freshman and fellow ogls,
thank you!

but to truth be told, all you new j1s, it is not the end , rather the beginning of a new journey!
yes i bet i sound rather cliche.

dont forget huh