Tuesday, November 27, 2007

speaking of football,
this is the stuff-

isnt really well known ,i think.

probably the best save i ve ever seen,apart from seaman's that is

Monday, November 26, 2007


to-day was a great day!met up with some4-1 guys to kick some ball with bernard and co.

everything was great!

other than the weather,
and the street punks,
and the humiliation
and the mud

o the mud!
great glorious glorious mud!
it was eveywhwere !all over the field ,our shoes,our shirts ,our hair
some of it was even playing football on the court,
yikes sorry about that,dont want to get my self arrested.


nah it wasnt this bad,but still,there was a lot of it.

whee,heres to a great holiday!
viva la football!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Dota Hero

The ministry's entertainment budget have reaped great surplus this year!in accordance to this great-ministry coordinated economic effort,a new dota character has been designed to reward the valiant efforts of the people!march forth comrades!

Integrated Items :

1)Flask Of Sparkling H-TWO-O
-rejuvenates the spirits.Heals 300hp and 200 mp.
Bought at: N.A. ,item is a permanent member of heroes inventory

2)Bottle Of Ch Jive
-Breaths new life into ones soul and quenches thirst of speech making principal.Restores 500 hp and 400 mp ,contains 3 charges,gives passive charisma and long windedness
-Bought at :Drink Stall,Band Room

3)CH Bear
-Is actually cute and cuddly(refer to previous posts).A cute soft toy bear dresses in CHS uniform,CH bears are iconic mascots of the CHS family,can be used together with skill Fundraising to be forcefully sold to opponent heroes.Bear then permanantly remains in heroes inventory.And did i mention?is cute and cuddly
-Bought at : N.A. Only obtainable as symbols of gratitude

4)Big Box Of Haribo
-Every CH students dream,contains rolls and rolls of juicy ,chewy,yummy haribo roulette.
mmmmmm.haribo.Contains 200 charges,drives heroes into hyperactivity(due to sugary content),otherwise known as frenzy.Each frenzy lasts till school bell rings.
-Bought at :School bookshop.(*duh?)

disclaimer:this post is meant for humor only,if anyone finds this offensive,it will be taken down immediatly,i respect Mr Lee as a principal,i like how hes really beautified the school,and no,i do not think he is some money-eating principal,i just aint too keen on his speeches.Have a good day yall

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Truth About Tuck Wai

Today,the ministry interviewed Wong Tuck Wai of email ,social security number N-006 .It was just a casual interview of course,some simple questions on his plans of choice for his future institute of higher education and enlightenment.However,he unintentionally revealed to us his true identity.

pay special attention to the last line

damn, that certainly explains a lot doesn't it?but still we remained skeptical,as tuck wai has proved capable of making interesting light hearted conversation and everyone knows potatoes can t talk,let alone participate in a conversation using msn.

so to further convince us ,tuck wai sent us a self portrait of himself.


but still ,we refused to believe he was a potato,what finally convinced us was a photo of his "ehmm," third root.


neat eh?even has its own beard

*note:no tuck wais were harmed in the production of this post,post was composed with the permission of the potatoes*woops* i meant parties involved.
and no,tuck wai is not a potato,he s human ,like you and me ,in fact he doesnt even look like a potato,he looks like this

haha tuck suck.luck.phuck.muck.cluck.chuck.duck.howmuchwoodwouldawoodchuckchuck. wai


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Recently,a research by the Department of Truth here at The Ministry has revealed some startling evidence about Catholic High.It's something quite out of the ordinary and scientists believe this invaluable discovery will be a solution to our biggest problem-Global Warming.Ladies and gentlemen,i give you-


Shocking eh?notice the startling similarities!amazing eh.not satisfied?read on!

Eh?EH?what do you think now?the most incriminating piece of evidence yet!

coincidence or conspiracy?

you decide.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


whats with my tag board?

hope you guys ccan help, have tried to clear my cookies,still no use!

the history hangover

o look!its our best friends stalin and hitler.mymy i believe they are slugging it out.i see a potential source base....ok that was lame.

see the battle in english

Monday, November 12, 2007


yay!its over!happy day everyone!go forth, and have fun!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

almost there

almost almost almost there!hang in there everybuddy,heres a history-defining moment on the stuff that makes humans human!

i give you...The Unknown Rebel

read more here
or watch the longer video here