Charm is deceptive, and
Beauty is fleeting; but a Woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
reading this really good book "Untamed " by Xan Hood.
the words below the title say " Becoming the man you want to be" and , yea, that mostly sums it up.
I find myself really identifying with the author, and understand and discovering many things that never occurred to me before.theres so much that i couldnt possible explain this feeling i get everytime i read the book.heres something i picked out:
" As i looked through the book, i couldnt believe it.It was the complete opposite of today's image of beauty.If this was true beauty back then, it meant that our definition of a women's beauty is merely a cultural thing.It was a view I had been sold by advertisers in Hollywood.It was only an opinion, and not a truth, nor a standard i should expect.It was hard to believe, but apparently my picture and definition of beauty was completely shaped by the word and culture around me.
After thumbing through this book, i wondered if Scott was right and God had made my desire for beauty, I felt that i had no idea what the real bauty was. It seemed part of the matrix of my world, and evil has shaped into a certain version for its own purposed.I found that i was completely blind to what beauty really was. "
" Why do women worry so much about how they look?Why are girls flocking to get cosmetic surgery, buying the latest fashions, painting their faces with makeup, and reading all those beauty magazines?
Johen Eldredge, a Christian counselor and author, wrote in his book Wild at Heart that "every woman is asking the question ' Am i beautiful?Am i lovely?Do you notice me?" As i thought about the statistics of eating disorders, it made some sense.I wondered if part of the problem is that out society tells women we don't want their hearts, we only want their bodies and faces and legs to be beautiful."
okay, so maybe you dont really think its that meaningful, cos im not doing justice by just copying extracts , but yea,its a good book, that it is. life changing!
im not through with the book yet, but i will be , and i cant wait .
credits-josiah for the book